Spain has introduced the opportunity for transgender individuals to reflect the rectification of their gender and name under Law 4/2023, enacted on 28 February 2025.
In Spain, legislation allows the legal rectification of the gender and change of name for transgender people. Law 4/2023, of 28 February 2025 and places transgender individual on parity with the general population and establishes the guarantee of LGTBI rights. The law allows any Spanish national over the age of 16 independently request the rectification of their sex in the Civil Registry. There are also specific procedures in place for minors under the age of 16 years
Article 48 regulates the name change in the Civil Registry for minors. Transgender minors, regardless of whether they have started the physical process of rectifying their registered gender at birth have the right to obtain a legal name change for reasons of gender identity, provided they meet the requirements set out in Law 20/2011, of 21 July, on the Civil Registry.
This law has simplified the process, eliminating previous obligation for medical and judicial requirements.
Who can apply?
What are the requirements?
Steps to Take
Initial Appearance at the Civil Registry
Reflection Period
Second Appearance at the Civil Registry
Registration of the Change in the Civil Registry
Is a medical or psychological diagnosis required?
No. Previously, legislation required a gender dysphoria diagnosis and at least two years of hormone treatment. These requirements have now been removed to avoid the pathologisation of trans identities.
Is surgery required to change the registered name and sex?
No. The law states that no medical treatment or surgical intervention is needed to access a name and sex change in the Civil Registry.
How long does the process take?
What about minors under 14?
Can a transgender person revert to their original gender?
Yes. The law allows a transgender person to request a reversion to their original sex within six months using the same procedure. However, if they wish to modify it a third time, a judge will need to determine whether there is any indication of fraud.
In Spain, the change of name and sex is a purely administrative and depathologised process, requiring only the applicant’s own desire and confirmation after three months of reflection. This represents a major step forward in protecting transgender rights but should not be undertaken lightly and where appropriate legal advice on the long term ramifications of such a step should be sought. Giambrone & Partners LGTBQIA division, Gay Lawyers, can advise.
At Giambrone & Partners, our specialised legal team in LGTBQIA+ advisory services understand the complexities of this process. We provide close and professional support at every stage, ensuring your rights are fully protected.
Gay Lawyers, is the LGBTQ+ division of Giambrone, an international law firm with offices in Italy, UK, Spain, Portugal, France and Tunisia.
What makes Gay Lawyers’ assistance particularly suited to issues of the LGBTQ+ community is that their lawyers, in addition to having an empathic approach, have relevant experience and are able to truly understand the specific issues that frequently arise from LGBTQ+ specific cases.
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